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“more licentious”
licentious (adjective), more licentious, most licentious
1. Pursuing desires aggressively and selfishly without being restricted by moral considerations: The comic hero in the operetta was a licentious character who always was condemned for his immoral behaviors.
2. Abandoned or unrestrained bad behavior that disregards generally acceptable norms of conduct: In the romantic novel of the 18th century, the licentious son of the landowner returned home feeling guilty and begging for the forgiveness of his father for his immoral actions.
2. Abandoned or unrestrained bad behavior that disregards generally acceptable norms of conduct: In the romantic novel of the 18th century, the licentious son of the landowner returned home feeling guilty and begging for the forgiveness of his father for his immoral actions.
This entry is located in the following units:
licit-, licen-, leis-
(page 2)
-ous, -ious, -eous
(page 13)